About Us

Next Steps
Feel free to contact us with any questions or if you’re interested in bringing us in to manage a project, we’ll be glad to listen to what you need and provide a quote.
Calix Solutions opened the doors on January 1, 2021. Initially, our goal was to work on implementing solutions for blockchain through avenues leading to both commercial as well as consumer markets. It became apparent that businesses were moving at the speed of a glacier in taking advantage (or not) of what cryptocurrencies had to offer. We knew a portion of the general public saw the opportunity that cryptos offered. We had regular folks asking us if we could help maneuver their cryptos in a more secure and safe manner for some time prior to opening our doors. Years prior, both of us had dedicated laptops used solely for the purpose of protecting our investments.
Meet the Team

Patrick Condon
Patrick has been involved in cryptocurrency since 2016. He has also owned an integrated marketing agency for nearly a decade.

Ben Semchee
Ben has been actively involved in Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency since 2015. He has been evangelizing in the space on a YouTube channel for over 3 years now.